Flowerhorn Compatible Species

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The Flower Horn is a very aggressive and territorial fish. It does not accept any other individual in its territory, it is usually necessary to keep them alone in the aquarium or with fish of similar size and character that they can defend themselves as long as the space of the Aquarium is big enough to keep several fishes.

To perform a more detailed analysis of the coexistence and behavior of the Flowerhorn Cichlid, use the aquarium simulation tool so you can try different ways to combine the fish with other fish taking into account the dimensions and space of your aquarium, In this way you will know the ideal configuration to keep the fish of your interest.

There are some compatible species which you can keep with your Flowerhorn fish, but there are some recommendations which you need to take into the consideration. Please read the following entire article to know better.

Is Flowerhorn can live with any other species in the same tank?

The Flowerhorn Fish is not a good tank mate for any other fish. It is very aggressive and large in size. It is territory-dependent fish. So it is better to keep her alone or with a couple. If you are still want to keep any other fish with her, there are some recommendations which you need to take into consideration. The first and main point is that you have to keep a large size tank so it can be spacious for your Flowerhorn. It is recommended to keep noticing your tank so they will not kill each other.

Following are the list of some compatible and semi-compatible fishes with the Flowerhorn Cichlid Fish.

Flowerhorn Tank Mates

1. The following fish is compatible with Flowerhorn Fish without any restrictions:

•    Common Pleco Fish

•    Perico Fish

•    The Severum Fish

2. Following fishes can live together with Flowerhorn Fish if they know each other since they were very young, that is, they grew up and grew up together. it does not work in all cases, there may be exceptions:

•    Green Terror Fish

•    Jack Dempsey Oscar fish

Green Terror Fish With Flowerhorn

3. Following fishes can coexist with Flowerhorn Fish if they are the same size or very similar sizes, it does not work in all cases, there may be exceptions:

•    Black Catfish

4. Following fishes are compatible with Flowerhorn Fish in some cases, depends on the nature and personality of the fish:

•    Red Piranha

•    Oscar Fish

•    Pacu Fish

•    BlackFish Fish

•    Pleco Galaxy

•    Pike fish

•    Pleco Ancistrus

•    Iridescent Shark Fish

•    Royal Farlowella Fish

•    Arowana fish

Red Piranha with flowerhorn

5. Following fishes can live together with Flowerhorn Fish as long as space is spacious enough to delimit a territory, otherwise, there may be aggression to compete for the territory:

•    Texas Fish

•    King Midas Fish

6.  Following fishes can live together with Flowerhorn Fish as long as they are similar in size or the difference in size is not very abysmal, since as the fish grows it increases the chances of eating their partner who did not grow much:

•    L199 Fish

Let us find out more details about these mentioned fishes:

1. Common Pleco Fish:

Commonly called in different countries such as fish sucker, catfish, fish corroncho, the fish devil, fish clean glass, fish clean crystals, coroncoro or plecos. It is a fairly friendly fish reciprocally with most of its companions in a community aquarium even with large and aggressive fish like Flowerhorn. It tends to be territorial with others of the same species, it spends most of the time hidden in rocks, filters and dark places of the aquarium since it is a fish of nocturnal habits and it is only active during the night or when there is a lot of darkness.

To carry out a more detailed analysis of the coexistence and behavior of the Common Pleco fish, use the aquarium simulation tool so that you can try different ways to combine the fish with other fish taking into account the dimensions and space of your aquarium, In this way you will know the ideal configuration to keep the fish of your interest.

Common Pleco Fish with Flowrhorn

2. Perico Fish:

It is also known by the common name of condemning cichlids is the most common fish found in aquariums around the world, is a fish of the family of cichlids and the order of the Perciformes, this species is among the cichlid fish easier to maintain In the aquarium of amateurs it is necessary to remember that the convicted fish like all cichlids is a territorial fish.

This species is often considered ideal for beginners, but very fertile once a pair has been formed to be able to have it in captivity, an aquarium with a minimum volume of 80 liters is sufficient and ideal to maintain a couple of species of convicted fish.

The adult age of the species is easily distinguishable because the female remains small. The male grows to a large extent and has a more bulging belly. This is usually pigmented with a lighter color, mainly in the stomach and generally yellow in color and reddish color but also below the dorsal fin also with blue and green.

The selection, the inbreeding and the further process of breeding and lab pigments that emerged from various other colors, the males have the termination of odd conical fins.

3. The Severum Fish:

This is a fish of the cichlid family, originally from South America, it is possible that it can jump from the aquarium its scientific name is Heroes Severus, it is a large cichlid, which measures 25 cm for adult males a little less in females, the adult fish is flat-bodied, the dominant color in its body is yellow, depending on the state of mind of the fish, there may be eight horizontal stripes on the sides, which will be more or less marked.

The red eye is sharper in the fish, the lower part of the body is speckled with red spots, the only difference between the male and the female is the presence of reddish-brown spots on the lower part of the head, only for the males, there are several varieties of color in the breeding, young people have a greenish color instead of base, which changes to yellow after that, these fish can live for more than 8 years.

The Severum Fish With Flowerhorn

4. Green Terror Fish:

This fish lives up to its name “Green Terror” It is very aggressive and territorial, males do not tolerate the presence of any other fish in their territory unless it is their partner, they are likely to accept other fish in the aquarium if they are used to Since they were very small, but this does not always work, it is a fish that likes to be moving the aquarium decorations and digging in the gravel.

To perform a more detailed analysis of the coexistence and behavior of the Green Terror Fish, use the aquarium simulation tool so you can try different ways to combine the fish with other fish taking into account the dimensions and space of your aquarium, In this way you will know the ideal configuration to keep the fish of your interest.

5. Jack Dempsey Fish:

The Jack Dempsey is a very territorial and aggressive fish, hence its name in honor of a former American boxer, does not accept any other fish as a partner unless it is accustomed to its constant presence and the space is large enough to maintain To other fish, if you decide to keep a Jack Dempsey with other fish, these should be of similar size and behavior as other American cichlids.

Jack Dempsey With Flowerhorn

6. Blackfish Fish:

It is a fish that must be taken special care because it will eat any small fish that fits in its mouth, as well as having sharp spines that can hurt its aquarium companions and even its owner. It is a fish of nocturnal habits and will be kept most of the time at the bottom of the aquarium hidden in rocks and dark places, as a rule, it is compatible with fish of a similar size that he can defend himself.

7. Red Piranha Fish:

The piranha is a fish that has a very bad reputation because of movies or series where you can see piranha schools eating other animals (even people), but this is not quite correct, it is true that they are carnivorous fish but they are not as aggressive as normally it is believed, they like to be with several specimens of their same species since as it was said previously they are fish of school, reason why it is necessary to count on an aquarium sufficiently ample to maintain several of its species, it is also possible to combine them with other fish of similar size and character as American cichlids and armored bottom fish.

8. Oscar Fish:

The Oscar fish is a fish that is usually very territorial, any fish that fits in the mouth will be devoured, so it should not be combined with small fish in a community aquarium, several Oscars can live together as long as they have enough space large to delimit a territory, it is more likely that there are confrontations between males, in times of breeding it is extremely aggressive and will attack any other fish.

Oscar With Flowerhorn

9. Pacu Fish:

They are fish with great peculiarities, their beginnings go back thousands of years ago, many consider that this fish is native to the Amazon river as so although others disagree with this theory as it has been found near Europe where many of the inhabitants of the rivers where the pacu fish frequent are on alert for the nickname it receives, and because it is a species that does not skimp on attacking the human being if he feels threatened by it.

The main characteristics of the fish pacu beyond its teeth are at the gastronomic level since it is a fish very requested by their meats since they consider that they are very rich and nutritious for the organism, the pacu fish is considered as a robust and large fish. Its size can weigh up to 25 kilos and measure between 60 and 80 centimeters long respectively, are considered migratory species since they can travel long distances to obtain the food that is necessary to survive.

Although many consider it to be a great predator, the pacu fish, unlike the piranhas, are omnivorous fish in terms of their diet, considered a great carnivore only because of the appearance of their teeth, since it simulates the teeth of the human being with which it can devour and perfectly crush its food with it, although for many locals this species is capable of attacking the human being without mercy when he feels threatened by them.

Pacu With Flowerhorn

10. Blackfish:

It is a fish that must be taken special care because it will eat any small fish that fits in its mouth, as well as having sharp spines that can hurt its aquarium companions and even its owner. It is a fish of nocturnal habits and will be kept most of the time at the bottom of the aquarium hidden in rocks and dark places, as a rule, it is compatible with fish of a similar size that he can defend himself.

11. The Pleco Galaxy:

It is a fish that will be kept most of the time at the bottom of the aquarium, it is territorial with other fish that also occupy the bottom of the aquarium or with which it has to compete for the food that falls to the bottom of the aquarium.

To perform a more detailed analysis of the coexistence and behavior of Pleco Galaxia, use the aquarium simulation tool so you can try different ways to combine the fish with other fish taking into account the dimensions and space of your aquarium, In this way you will know the ideal configuration to keep the fish of your interest.

12.The Pike Fish

It is a very aggressive fish with all the fish that are smaller than it, so it is not recommended to join it with these types of fish, on the other hand with fish of its size or higher could coexist if space is enough to allow this happen

Pike With Flowerhorn

13. Pleco Ancistrus:

It is a very social fish with most fish in the aquarium and vice versa, can be territorial between males of the same species, spends most of the time hidden in rocks, filters and dark places in the aquarium since it is a fish of habits nocturnal and is only active at night or when there is a lot of darkness.

14. The Iridescent Shark Fish:

It is a fish very nervous that any situation scared him, he lives almost all the time stressed, it is not advisable to join them with small fish because they can use food, can live with other big fish that do not fit through his mouth.

15. Royal Farlowella Fish:

It is a fairly sociable and peaceful fish with each other fish in the aquarium, they are kept in the bottom of the aquarium most of the time in twilight and dark areas.

To perform a more detailed analysis of the coexistence and behavior of Farlowella Royal use the aquarium simulation tool so you can try different ways to combine the fish with other fish taking into account the dimensions and space of your aquarium, In this way, you will know the ideal configuration to keep the fish of your interest.

16. Arowana Fish:

It is a fish that could coexist with other large fish as long as the aquarium allows it, not join with any fish that small as it will become their food, especially are more compatible with fish that occupy the bottom of the aquarium that they are not small since the Arowana will almost always remain in the middle and surface of the water.

Arowana with Flowerhorn

17. Texas Fish:

The Texas fish is an aggressive and territorial fish, can only share an aquarium with other similar fish in behavior as large American cichlids provided they have enough space to delimit their own territory.

18. King Midas Fish:

The kingfish Midas is a fish that is usually very territorial, any fish that fits in the mouth will be devoured, so it should not be combined with small fish in a community aquarium, they can share an aquarium with other fish similar in size and behavior if they have a space large enough to delimit a territory.

19. L199 Fish:

It is a fish of nocturnal habits, it can coexist with other fish that occupy the middle and high part of the aquarium, with other bottom fish it can coexist if the space is wide enough for me to delimit its own territory, it will become a little more territorial with others of its kind, it is recommended to place ornaments in the aquarium where it can take shelter from daylight, such as trunks, rocks, caves, among others.

However, it all depends on your Flowerhorn Fish as you see if very aggressive or very social? If your Flowerhorn fish is aggressive, nothing would stop him since the flower of that is defined as fighting fish to die.

If it’s social then you can put a little bit bigger cherubs oscar, King Midas, managuensis, Jack Demsey among others since as you put the first in the tank and in a week he appropriates the aquarium but if you put some bigger ones like 11 or 10 cm will give their blows but at the end of accounts and you will balance the aquarium everyone will grab its perimeter, if you put more guys you will kill them because he already sends in the aquarium

The scalar guramis are very weak for such a fish as we tell you to try to put large cichlids as mentioned above remember that your aquarium should be at least 150 liters for two cichlids per experience the flower will be smashed and hit until the other fish die or the die.

Know your Flowerhorn Fish in a better way:

The Flower Horn Fish is an original specimen from South America, being the result of a hybridization obtained from the crossing of selected specimens. It is a very popular fish in Asia, due to the Feng Shui philosophy, which affirms that the owner of a Flower Horn Fish will enjoy greater prosperity, luck, and longevity, the bigger the characteristic protuberance of the fish.

Flowerhorn Fish

Considering the size that Fish Flower Horn can reach, it is best to provide a specific aquarium of at least 200 liters, although it is best to be 300 liters.

It is also advisable to decorate the enclosure with flat rocks at the bottom of the aquarium, the occasional trunk and a thick substrate, where it can dig and semi-burrow freely.

Regarding water, it should be slightly alkaline, that is, with a pH between 7 and 8, as well as good oxygenation, so it is essential to have a good filter for the aquarium. In addition, the water temperature should always be maintained between 26 and 28o C.


The Flower Horn Fish has a very aggressive character, so it is important to offer a specific aquarium for him or join it with peaceful species and that is in the aquarium in small numbers.

Finally, we must bear in mind that, sometimes, when the female has not matured sexually, the male may attack it until death, so it will be necessary to monitor it during the breeding season.

Following are some of the Frequently Asked Questions related to Flowerhorn compatible species:

Q. Why is it recommended to keep Flowerhorn fish alone in a tank?

A. Flowerhorn Fishes are extremely aggressive and territorial fish. If you will keep any other fish with her, she may kill the other one.

Q. Can make and female Flowerhorn live together in one tank?

A. They can live together. Their sizes need to be similar. The best way is to allow their separate territories.

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