Home Information Popular Diseases Affecting Flowerhorn Fish

Popular Diseases Affecting Flowerhorn Fish


With their vibrant colors and nuchal hump, Flowerhorns have been winning the heart of many fish lovers for years now. This ornamental fish is well-known for its beauty and along with that the ‘kok’ of the fish is also associated with Feng Shui. Moreover it is the nuchal hump or the bulged out head of the Flowerhorn that it has got its name from. This fish is not a natural breed of fish but a man-made one. Presently you can find them in the wild because they are released there.

It was during the 1990s when the Flowerhorns were first developed in Malaysia. Later during the coming year, this fish was also developed in Thailand and Taiwan. They are popular among the Asian as well as American fish keepers but they are not allowed in Australia. With a lifespan of 10 to 12 years, they stay in your aquarium filling it with colors. During the life span it is natural that you will get good care of the fish but still, there are high chances that the Flowerhorn may get affected by any disease.

REX Flowerhorn from fishforums forum

There can be numerous reasons that can lead to these diseases in these Flowerhorn. Even after taking good care your fish may get affected by the diseases. However, do not worry if you look out for the symptoms and take necessary steps you can easily treat the Flowerhorn. This articles is all about those diseases that may affect your Flowerhorn and how can you treat them.

Flowerhorn sickness prevention

Flowerhorns just like humans get sick and are affected by diseases. In order to cure these sicknesses, you need to take good care of the fish. By taking care of a fish people normally consider feeding them two to three times a day and maintaining the aquarium water. However, taking care is not limited to that, just like humans you need to make the fish feel that they too are special and do everything that will make them feel good enough.

REX Flowerhorn from fishforums forum

While you take care of the Flowerhorn apart from taking regular care you need to pay attention for any kind of symptoms that may lead to any disease. While you feed your Flowerhorn you need to observe them carefully. This way you can look out for any signs that shows that the Flowerhorn is not well. You should look for any odd body language as when they are sick their body language will be different from a healthy Flowerhorn fish. They may not move regularly or may seem to be agitated. Any change in behavior should be noticed so that you are able to take good care and treat for any illness that your Flowerhorn may be suffering from.

In order to give the Flowerhorn a healthy environment make sure that you take care of the following:

Required temperature

The best temperature that is healthy for a Flowerhorn is from 27 to 29-degree centigrade. In order to keep the temperature constant, you can keep checking after regular interval. It becomes difficult for the Flowerhorn to survive at any temperature beyond it. They will not die but they will feel uncomfortable.

The best temperature that is healthy for a Flowerhorn is from 27 to 29-degree centigrade. In order to keep the temperature constant, you can keep checking after regular interval. It becomes difficult for the Flowerhorn to survive at any temperature beyond it. They will not die but they will feel uncomfortable.

REX Flowerhorn from fishforums forum

The best temperature that is healthy for a Flowerhorn is from 27 to 29-degree centigrade. In order to keep the temperature constant, you can keep checking after regular interval. It becomes difficult for the Flowerhorn to survive at any temperature beyond it. They will not die but they will feel uncomfortable.

Aquarium Heaters

The best temperature that is healthy for a Flowerhorn is from 27 to 29-degree centigrade. In order to keep the temperature constant, you can keep checking after regular interval. It becomes difficult for the Flowerhorn to survive at any temperature beyond it. They will not die but they will feel uncomfortable.

Water condition

The water should be good enough for maintaining the Flowerhorn properly. The pH level of the water should be well maintained. The best pH level that helps the Flowerhorns to survive in the best way is from 6.0 to 7.6. Apart from maintaining the acidity level of the water, it is also important that the ammonia level and the nitrate level is also checked. Both should be o as when there is ammonia or nitrate in water the Flowerhorn is going to suffer a lot. Thus, the best way to maintain the water is keeping the pH level within level and check out the nitrate or the ammonia level for a few times whenever possible.


There should be enough oxygen in the tank so that the Flowerhorn is able to swim and feel good. Thus, the filtration process of the water tank should be good enough. There should be enough bubbles in the tank and the water should be regulated also.

REX Flowerhorn from fishforums forum

Water Change

When it comes to regulating the water you must know about changing the water as it is also important to give your Flowerhorn a good environment to live in. another reason to change the water is giving the Flowerhorn a clean place to live. As the Flowerhorn eats enough they excrete a lot too. Now, these get accumulated in the tank water. If you do not clean that properly then they can be another reason for their illness. On weekly basis keep changing about 25% – 30 % of the water. This way the Flowerhorn will be disease-free and healthy too.


Another important part of taking good care of it is feeding your Flowerhorn it the right food at the right time. Flowerhorn loves to eat and thus feed them timely, at least 2 to 3 times a day. They love to eat shrimps, bloodworms and other live food apart from pellets. After feeding you also need to pick up the leftover food. Even after taking care regularly there may be times when your Flowerhorn gets ill. Be careful and keep a keen eye to find out if they are showing any symptoms. Mentioned below are some of the popular disease that affects the Flowerhorns:

1 – White Spot Disease

When a Flowerhorn is affected by this disease you can notice white spots all over the fish body. There will be a change in their behavior too as they will act a bit lethargic than usual. Their fins will be clumped together and they will not eat normally. Most of the time you will find them at the corner of the tank. There can be many causes behind this disease and the most prominent one is, of course, bad water quality. Even the drop in water temperature below 25°C can also lead to such an issue. The main cause is a ciliated protozoan namely Ichthyophithirius multifilis (ICH). Even if they are fed with frozen or even live food that has parasites this disease may develop.

Flowerhorn – White Spot Disease

You cannot treat the Flowerhorn by treating the water only as the parasite that is responsible for these diseases lives under the skin of the fish. This is a very contagious disease and for treating you need to treat the water of the aquarium totally. If you can stop the breeding cycle of the ICH then this disease can be treated. So stop the breeding cycle of the ICH and you will be able to stop further spread of the disease. In order to cure white spots, you have to place an inhibitor inside the tank. Along with the medication, you must also add aquarium salt at 3g/lt of water. This should be done every 3 days. After the third day, the tank should be washed totally to remove any kind of causative agent. Then you must clean the tank properly with a good agent.

In order to prevent from the spread of this disease, you must quarantine any new fish also should avoid any cross tank contamination.

2 – Hole-In-The-Head Disease

This disease is very dangerous as it may even cause the death of the Flowerhorn. It is called HITH or is also known as Hexamita. If treated during the early stage it is possible to treat the Flowerhorn totally from this disease. The main cause of this disease is the Hexamita Protozoa and when the water quality is very poor there are high chances that this disease may occur. In order to detect this disease at an early stage keep looking for any small pits of pimples that may grow on the fish’s head. With time the pits will keep growing. The pits are normally white in color and sometimes you may also find some mucous around the pits. It will become lethargic and will lose weight. It will also seem to be losing its appetites. There will be white and stringy feces too.
It is possible to treat the Flowerhorn with the help of metronidazole (7mg/ltr) or dimetridazole (5mg/ltr).

Flowerhorn – Hole-In-The-Head Disease

You have to repeat this treatment once after every 3 days. Also, the water change is necessary. In order to prevent any kind of further spread, you must change the water regularly.

3- Mouth, Body and Tail Fungus

When the Flowerhorn is affected by this disease you can find small white fungus growing on the body and mouth of the fish. This disease can be cured but you need to keep a keen watch on the fish while it has this disease. The main cause behind this disease is Saproglenia and other bacteria related to it. This type of bacteria thrives in bad quality water. Also if there is any sudden change in the water quality then this bacteria may grow. In order to detect this disease, you should look out for symptoms like soft cotton tufts on the body, mouth, and fins of the Flowerhorn. The fish will also start losing weight.

In order to treat Flowerhorn, you have to put some Aquarium salts in the tank. This can also be treated with the help of fungus eliminators. You should also clean the whole tank. In order to prevent such disease the water quality should be maintained properly. Also cross tank contamination should be avoided.

4- Dropsy

When a Flowerhorn is affected by Dropsy its digestive system is affected. If care is not taken at an early stage then there may be a certain serious problem with the health of the Flowerhorn.

The main reason for dropsy is a bacterial infection. There are chances that the Flowerhorn is affected by this disease if the water quality is very poor. Sometimes the tank is overcrowded with decorative items. These may also lead to such diseases among Flowerhorn. Even a stressed Flowerhorn can also be suffering from Dropsy.

Flowerhorn suspected to have the Dropsy disease

When the Flowerhorn is suffering from Dropsy you will notice that the fish is bloating. It will stop eating and look stressed. It will not move and try to hide. In order to treat the Flowerhorn stop giving any Aquarium salt in the tank. It is best visit the local pet shop and get mediation for treating the flower horn. In order to prevent such occurrence it is best to change the water regularly. Normally a Flowerhorn is kept alone and thus there is no question of removing the ill Flowerhorn from the aquarium but keep the aquarium clean.

5 – Fin & Tail Rot Disease

When a Flowerhorn suffers from fin and tail disease it will be noticed that the fin and the tail lose its glow. It will not able to move or even dive within the water. They will look dull. However, this is not a serious disease and can be cured easily.
The main bacteria responsible for this disease is Pseudomonas. Apart from that when the water is not clean the Flowerhorn may be affected by this disease. You will be able to notice this disease when you see that the fin and the tail are white edged and is eaten away. They may even start dissolving. The color of the fish will also become dull and it will appear sick. The fins will be clumped together too.

Flowerhorn – Fin & Tail Rot Disease

The whole tank should be treated and Tetracycline must be added. Also change water regularly in order to avoid this disease among the Flowerhorn.

6 – Air Bladder Disease

When a Flowerhorn is suffering from air bladder disease then the air blade does not open normally and it is not able to swim properly. This is a serious problem and if attention is not given quickly it may turn devastating for the fish. Flower will not die because of this disease but it dies because it cannot swim properly. As it swims in the wrong position it feels stressed and then dies.

Different viral and bacterial infection leads to this disease among Flowerhorns. Fungus attack on the fin may also affect. Moreover, unclear water is also responsible for this disease. You will be able to understand that the fish is suffering from this disease if you notice that the Flowerhorn is facing difficulty while swimming. They will be swimming upside down. It is a bit difficult to treat thus the best thing is to show the Flowerhorn to a vet doctor. In order to avoid this disease it is best to change the water at regular intervals.

7 – Velvet Disease

When the fish is suffering from velvet disease then it will look unusual and will stop eating. It is easy to treat this disease and cure the fish. The main cause behind this disease is a fungal infection. Even poor water quality is also responsible for this disease. In order to treat you should make a copper sulfate solution. Then add I g of copper sulfate solution with citric acid along with purified water. Keep adding a little bit of this solution to the tank water for 10 days. The best way to avoid this disease is keeping the water clean.

8 – White Poop

White poop is another disease that also affects the health of the Flowerhorn. You will notice that the fish is pooping something white in color that forms a line and also looks like a sticky white long tail. The main reason for this illness is internal parasites that are there in the digestive system of the Flowerhorn. Eve live feeding with parasites in it may also be responsible for this disease. Poor water quality also leads to such a problem. Apart from that when the fish is fed with high protein food worms may be there in the stomach.

White Poop Syndrom

In order to treat the Flowerhorn of this disease the best way is taking medications from vet shop. They will suggest such medicine that will kill the worms in the stomach. The fish should also be kept without feeding for about three days. On the third day remove 305 of the water and repeat the medication again.

To end the note

Every Flowerhorn owner wishes that they have fish that is healthy but still different reasons leads to illness among the Flowerhorn. The first thing to ensure to keep the fish healthy is maintaining the quality of the water. When the water is clean most of the disease will not affect the Flowerhorn. Thus, the water should be changed regularly and it should be cleaned too. Unclear water will lead to most of the problem.
There can be a problem from live food too, thus while feeding live food makes sure that they are taken from a good source. Still, there may be parasites that may affect the health of the Flowerhorn. Also, remember that when the Flowerhorn has any disease and it is detected then most of the time it is cured easily. Thus, you have to keep noticing that what your Flowerhorn is doing. Is it active or it seems dull. Whenever you find that it may be lethargic then check properly if there are any other symptoms.

Frequently asked questions

If the Flowerhorn is hiding is it ill?

The Flowerhorn is very moody fish. They are aggressive too. They do not play much but yes they can try to hide sometimes. When it is hiding it does not shows that it is ill. There can be numerous reasons that it is hiding, but yes, illness can be one of them. You should check out for different symptoms that might affect the Flowerhorn. If there are no such symptoms then it means that the Flowerhorn is just taking rest. While if you notice that there are certain symptoms then you should take care as fast as possible.

Also, notice that when the Flowerhorn is hiding is it eating or not. If it is eating then probably there is no problem, but if it is not eating then you can be sure that the Flowerhorn is suffering from a certain illness.

What is the best food for Flowerhorn?

There are different food items that are loved by a Flowerhorn. Actually, they love eating. Different kinds of food are available for treating different kinds of features. Like if you want to enhance the color of the Flowerhorn then you must give them certain food while if you want to increase the nuchal hump then the food should be a bit different. Flowerhorns love to eat live food like shrimps, bloodworms, and others. Apart from that, there are many packaged food available that is great for Flowerhorns.

How to feed Flowerhorns?

Flowerhorns loves to eat and whatever you toss them in their tank they will love eating. The beauty of Flowerhorns lies in their vibrant colors and their nuchal hump and to keep this growth steady it is necessary to feed them at least two to three times a day. Still, it is necessary to skip the meal of the Flowerhorn at least once a week. If a ‘fast day’ is observed then the digestive tract of the fish gets rests and also gets cleared. Whatever food you feed your Flowerhorn remember that it should be able to eat that within 30 seconds or less. If you feed the fish with more food then they will miss some of the food that will be there left at the tank. They will rot there and foul the water. It is now known that unclear water is totally bad for the health of the Flowerhorn.

Are Flowerhorn freshwater fish?

Flowerhorns are freshwater fish which means that you do not need to add any aquarium salt to the water tank where the Flowerhorn is kept. They can live better in fresh water with its pH level ranging between 6.1 To 7. Now, there can be certain circumstances where adding salt to the aquarium becomes necessity. By adding salt many disease can be cured and thus in order to cure the Flowerhorn you have to add some salt, otherwise they love to live in fresh water.



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